Our Mission Statement
"Staff offer children who are less confident, or who have just started at the pre-school, sensitive individual support.... Overall, the staff team demonstrate a thoughtful and highly effective approach to supporting children's emotional well-being and confidence." – Ofsted, January 2015
Our ethos is:
To provide an educationally stimulating play-based environment in which every child matters and is valued as an individual.
To support the emotional, physical and educational needs of all children and to ensure they reach their full potential.
To promote the self-esteem and confidence of children.
To work in partnership with Parent/Carers and to have a positive impact on children’s learning and development.
To teach children to respect and consider others in society.
To encourage children to nurture and appreciate the Environment.
We are caring sensitive professional practitioners providing quality pre-school experience.
The best way to experience Treehouse will always be to arrange a visit. Our management and admin staff are happy to accommodate interested parents (and their children of course), neighbouring schools and pre-schools and early years professionals who are interested in looking around our setting.
Please email the office to arrange an appointment.