Having a keyperson
"Children of all ages settle quickly and are extremely happy within the pre-school's warm, nurturing environment. The relationships between children and their key persons are outstanding. Staff have excellent knowledge and understanding of the children within their care."
– Ofsted, January 2015
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About us
The best way to experience Treehouse will always be to arrange a visit. Our management and admin staff are happy to accommodate interested parents (and their children of course), neighbouring schools and pre-schools and early years professionals who are interested in looking around our setting.
Please email the office to arrange an appointment.
We operate a keyperson system which allows both you and your child to create a caring bond with a key member of staff who will act as a liaison point for you with regard to any queries you may have. Each keyperson also works closely with parents to ensure that learning is planned in partnership with all concerned and regular play plans are agreed between keyworkers and parents to ensure learning is supported at home.