All about the EYFS
"Staff have high expectations for what children can do. This helps to drive a confidence and resilience within children that enables them to achieve."
– Ofsted, May 2019
About us
The best way to experience Treehouse will always be to arrange a visit. Our management and admin staff are happy to accommodate interested parents (and their children of course), neighbouring schools and pre-schools and early years professionals who are interested in looking around our setting.
Please email the office to arrange an appointment.
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The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 years old. All schools and Ofsted-registered early years providers must follow the EYFS, including childminders, preschools, nurseries and school reception classes.
You can find out more about the EYFS by clicking here
The EYFS sets out a set of principles for our staff to encourage your child to attain in the seven key areas of learning – the prime areas are Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development. The other areas are Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design.
During your child's time at Treehouse, activities will be planned for them to access, allowing them opportunities to learn and develop within these seven areas. Some of these activities and targets will be detailed in the half-termly Play Plan your child's keyperson will talk through with you. The entire staff carry out observations for all children, noting their achievements and each keyperson will record these achievements with your child's Learning Journey, which you are welcome to view whenever you wish.
Click here to download 'A Parent's Guide to the EYFS'