Committee Led Setting
"The dedication and high motivation of the whole staff team enable the pre-school to sustain the very highest of standards for children."– Ofsted, May 2019
Treehouse is run by a volunteer committee of charity trustees, made up of a mixture of existing and past parents.
As well as the overseeing of good standards of care and learning within the preschool, we also work really hard to raise vital funds for the setting so that children can enjoy more and more exciting learning opportunities.
Detailed below are some of the ways that you and your friends and family can help us.
Go Fund Me Campaign - A page for ongoing donations to our latest campaign
Amazon wishlist - a space for adding a little something extra into your shopping basket!
Giving in the garden - Look for the gold leaves in the garden and help us by donating one or more of the items that we use the most in Treehouse.
Bucks Lottery - A percentage of all tickets bought comes directly to us.
Give as you live
The current committee comprises...
Kirstine Beeley (BEd) :Chairperson
Louisa Wong : Treasurer
Harriett Patterson : Secretary
Committee: Dani Rewse Smith, Adam, Victoria Eele, Claire Whiltshire,
You can contact the committee by email at committee@treehousepre-school.co.uk or via the Friends of Treehouse facebook page.
New members to the committee are always welcome... please contact us if you feel you can offer even the smallest amount of help, time or enthusiasm.
About us
The best way to experience Treehouse will always be to arrange a visit. Our management and admin staff are happy to accommodate interested parents (and their children of course), neighbouring schools and pre-schools and early years professionals who are interested in looking around our setting.
Please email the office to arrange an appointment.
Quick links