Giving a little bit helps a lot!
On this page you will find a number of ways you can help support our little charity , some of which cost absolutely nothing at all - like the Give As You Live link below, where a simple extra click in the online shopping process means Tesco match a percentage of what you spend with them, and donate to us!
We currently have a Go Fund Me campaign to raise £10,000 after the pandemic put pay to fundraising activities for a number of years. You will see that we are well on our way to reaching our goal and any donation (however small) will help us to get target.
Please also take a look at our Giving in the Graden board at the pre-school and choice a golden item to donate. These list a number of items which you could pick up cheaply and make a big difference to us. Items like food colouring, lightweight footballs, dry pasta and more. If you don't drop off yourself but still want to donate, please email us for some ideas and we will gladly supply them.
Our Amazon wishlist (see link below) has many items that are vital to the day to day running of the preschool. Without your kind donations we would not have the spare funds to provide such a range of exciting and engaging activities.
Perhaps take a cutting from some herbs in your garden or some flower petals for the children to explore or maybe you have an unusual pet or job which the children may find fascinating to see or hear about?
Even offering to do a load of washing of our spare clothes and tea towels helps!! Treehouse is about providing a wealth of opportunities and experiences to ignite children's desire to learn and there are so many ways you could help us do this without it costing a fortune.
We really appreciate any help that you, your families and friends can offer.
As one store says "Every Little Helps"!
Many thanks
Team Treehouse
Quick links
Every single offer of help counts
Treehouse wants to keep fees as low as we can, but in order to maintain the fantastic provision of which we are so proud, the staff and committee are continually working to raise additional income.
We understand that money is tight - especially when you have young children, so we strive to offer a number of ways to support us - anything you can offer is greatly appreciated.
Over the years, we have had parents and other family members choose to run marathons, do sponsored swims - even do the London Color Run all the riase money for Treehouse. If this is something you are interested in pursuing, please speak to a member of our staff or committee and we can get a sponsorship pack to you.

Ranging from a few pounds to substantial donations - we couldn't do this without your help! Thank you
Please take a moment to visit some of the kind businesses who offer us support for projects or events, to whom we are all very grateful: